Android s off what is

From here, you can flash custom firmware to your heart's content. It's also worth noting that the U11 is the first device SunShine supports that only has temporary S-OFF, meaning that you'll have to rerun SunShine every time you reboot to recovery or the system. Thanks, Kisakuku. You can head to theroot. Plus, developers have to eat too, don't they? Source: SunShine. Richard loves technology, namely Android flagships, as well as depreciated German cars that can be picked up for next to nothing on Craigslist.

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In such a case, I believe you can flash system images and boot images, but you cannot flash radios or bootloaders I'm not completely positive on the details, though, as my EVO has been S-OFF for a long time. HTC does weird things with their phones.

Yeah, it's kind of unfortunate, really. I was planning to upgrade to a newer HTC phone with an unlockable bootloader but decided against it when I dug around XDA and found that it would still be S-ON, so that's the only reason I thought to add that comment. It's not very well publicized, IMHO. Believe me you want to leave security on S-ON. Yes you can upgrade to newer HTC phones and use the official unlocker to install custom roms.

Even with S-ON it's still unlocked for that purpose. Meaning yes you can install custom system, kernel boot and recovery partitions. What you can't do is mess with the radio which you really shouldn't be for the sake of everyone on your carrier. Any other argument is for specific unnecessary tools for installing roms. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Furthermore, signature check for firmware images is also ensured by the S-ON flag. That is easy to verify. A full root generally means S-OFF. This hinders using any custom ROMs, splash images, recovery etc. However, when security level is set to S-OFF, the signature check is bypassed, allowing a user to upload custom firmware images, unsigned boot, recovery, splash and HBOOT images, as well as official firmware that has been modified, this enabling maximum customization of your HTC Android device.

Update: Past this point, the post is only applicable to older HTC devices. The tool mentioned does not work with latest releases. Thanks to the team behind unrevoked tool, it is very easy to get S-OFF permanent on your device. Usage is as simple as you can imagine, and you can have to approaches to the process:. The main advantage of using unrevoked forever is having S-OFF as the permanent security level flag. Hence, even if any update flashes a new bootloader, root access stays.

Disclaimer: The information and instructions contained in this guide are for educational and testing purposes only; please use them at your own risk. Remember that rooting voids your warranty, and playing with custom HBOOT and Radio images can seriously damage your device. We strongly encourage you to read the unrevoked Wiki before proceeding. AddictiveTips or the author cannot be held liable for any undesirable results or damage to your device.


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