Can i take clones from a flowering plant

These can be found at gardening centers or you can custom build one to meet your own needs. Be sure to ventilate the dome each day to avoid a mold infestation. The most important aspect of cloning is to give the cuttings enough oxygen. A propagation bubbler is perfect for doing just that. Normal leaves will start to follow soon after. Applying some training might be wise during this stage. Simply tie down some of the tops to encourage an increase in branching.

Adding a little heat underneath the clones will increase the rate of the rooting process substantially. As the marijuana plant starts to grow, the amazing branching power of your flowering clone makes itself known. The great thing about this method is that you can avoid topping and fimming altogether because the flowering clone produces tons of new branches on its own.

Many of the plants grown in SOG will certainly provide a bountiful harvest. When the clones go through vegetative state and enter flowering stage, they can give you even more clones. The never-ending harvest is recycling at its most efficient. For anyone who needs to limit the amount of plants they have, this idea has significant merit. All in all, the effectiveness of this technique is largely due to the heavy branching produced by flowering clones that have reentered vegetative state.

With some practice and patience, you can get some fantastic monster plants and a gargantuan monster harvest. If you want to start growing, download my free grow guide and order some marijuana seeds.

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Aside from needing sunlight each day and good soil to grow in, cannabis plants also need a fair amount of water. What is the Best Way to Do Dabs? Growers will sometimes keep mother plants, which are plants that always stay in the vegetative stage for the purpose of cloning only.

But keeping mother plants takes time and space. Re-vegging allows you to get rid of mother plants, freeing up space in your grow for plants that only produce buds. If done correctly, monster-cropped clones have the potential to create plants with higher yields the second time around because of an increased vegetative mass, stronger stems and branches, and more nodes for potential buds.

If cloning a weed plant, growers usually need to take a clone of a plant before it begins flowering. But if a grower neglects to for any reason, that phenotype, or the genes of that specific plant, will get lost.

Re-vegging is the only way to preserve an exact replica of a particular phenotype once it has transitioned into the flowering state. Re-vegging is hard to successfully pull off, even for seasoned growers.

It takes a few weeks for new growth to appear so you might be wasting time and space waiting for new growth only for it to not happen. Most growers who re-veg say that yields decrease the second time around. So while re-vegging may cut down on the amount of time it takes to grow a plant, it might not produce as much. The re-vegging process is highly stressful on a plant and even if it does re-veg successfully, aberrations often occur, such as unusual leaf growth and hermaphroditism.

Re-vegged plants are more delicate and must be given more attention and care. I got them from a friend and they were all about inches in height but they were already budding. Should I toss them and start over or is there hope for them to survive and thrive down the road? Author Danny Danko. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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