The Garden Saint. As long as its covered it will be fine, i've laid many a patios in the rain and i've never had movement from any. Hughes Building and Conservation Ltd.
Hi, Having my patio done at the minute which is about 80 sqm with Indian Kandla grey sandstone. I really need some professional I had a guy in who did my patio,he didn't complete it but whatever the did was a cowboy job I told him the slope should be away Just had a patio laid. Concrete surfaces, both plain and decorative, often need to be protected from direct sunlight to maintain a humidity level that will minimise cracking of the surface that occurs as the curing process is accelerated by the higher-than-normal temperatures and the mix water is evaporated off.
Polythene sheets or even fine-misting systems are often used to protect concrete on the hottest of days. Modular paving laid onto cementitious beds can also suffer as the mix starts to stiffen that much more quickly in the elevated temperatures.
Porous paving materials, such as wet-cast flags and some types of natural stone, can themselves become parched and so wick moisture out of the bed, which can cause problems for bed strength and, less obviously, with discolouring of susceptible paving units some of the imported granites are particularly prone to this problem. This parching problem can be worryingly troublesome when it comes to jointing.
Asphalt and macadams will take longer to harden on hot days, as the heat helps the solvents keep the binder fluid for longer, and so it may be necessary to keep a freshly-laid surface traffic-free overnight so that the blacktop has a chance to thoroughly cool. Resins tend to harden faster at higher temperatures, and so working time can be dramatically reduced.
Some resin systems allow the quantity of the hardener component to be reduced to compensate for the accelerated setting during warmer periods, but experienced practitioners will usually adjust their working practices to suit the weather, mixing smaller batches to ensure they can be spread, levelled and compacted before they start to stiffen. A less well-known problem with warmer weather is the drying of laying course aggregates.
Research has shown that optimal compaction is achieved when a laying course aggregate has some moisture present. A simple thought experiment should make this clear: what happens when a bone-dry laying course is subjected to the plate compactor?
Most contractors will acknowledge that the sand tends to be spewed out from beneath the plate as a fine dust-like cloud, and the result is the bed is not actually compacted. The sand or grit, whin, etc. The usually rough guide is that, when squeezed in the hand, the sand should just about clump together. If it filters through the fingers, it's too dry, and if any water runs out, it's too wet. Although rarely seen, laying course material should be covered with a tarpaulin of other protective sheet during hot weather to keep in that essential moisture.
As with the tip about soaking flags the night before laying, mounds of sand or bulk bags should be hosed down during a heatwave and allowed to drain under gravity. FAQ Listing Page. You may be a first time visitor or someone familiar with the old website which served well for odd years but a new decade needs a more responsive design and simpler navigation. There is still a lot of work to do with this new site, so please bear with me while I get images updated and the new content coralled into the right place.
If you spot any glaring errors or cock-ups, please let me know FAQ: Working in bad weather Can paving work carry on regardless of the weather? Table of Contents. What about the weather? So here's a concise guide to how the weather affects what can and can't be done. The cement can become saturated causing level paving slabs to move and sink. Heavy rain is likely to wash the cement content out of mortar significantly reducing its strength.
Porcelain slab tiles are strong, frost-proof, non-slip, fade resistant and will not discolour — the perfect low maintenance solution for your patio or terrace. This type of tile certainly can deal with rain and water, and even things like hail and snow.
Rain falling on top of freshly laid concrete can damage the surface and compromise a level and floated finish. Even worse, if too much extra water works its way into the concrete mix, this can result in weak concrete overall. Paving slabs are bedded in a mortar mix with four parts sharp sand to one part cement.
Measure your quantities using a shovel or a bucket — for example, four buckets of sand for every one bucket of cement. Building sand is not used for the laying of block paving or paving slabs unless it is combined with cement and even this mixture can be too soft to lay paving slabs upon.
This is because of the fine nature of the sand. If you use soft building sand to lay block paving upon it will eventually lead to the paving sinking. As a patio paving material, porcelain offers a variety of suitable perks, from its stain resistance to its textured grip. Installation — Sand or Gravel Beds. For landscape paving, large patios, courtyards, walkways and terraces subject to moderate levels of foot traffic, dry laying on a sand and gravel bed is typically the preferred installation method for porcelain pavers.
The layer of sand should be from one to one and a half inches thick. The sand also needs to be dry, not wet. Pouring Concrete in Rain.