Why trayvon martin got skittles

But unless you're familiar with the band , it feels weird:. As McDonald's discovered recently when it asked people to share their McDStories , it doesn't take much to become the laughing stock of the internet, however innocent and well-intentioned you are. For you. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options. Get the Insider App.

Click here to learn more. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. Good Subscriber Account active since Shortcuts. Conversely, Skittles are now a point of attack for those who believe that Martin was one of those rare unarmed year-olds who can be dangerous enough to merit killing.

The Skittles and the drink he bought, some have suggested, could have been ingredients to make lean AKA sizzurp or purple drank , a homemade drug based on cough medicine that might cause aggressive and irrational behaviour if overused. The fact that Sprite and Jolly Ranchers are more usual , and that Martin didn't have any cough medicine, are also worth considering.

The Wrigley Company, which makes Skittles, has kept wisely quiet about the uncomfortable but lucrative position that it finds itself in , saying only that it would be "inappropriate" to get involved. Some praised the gesture, but it also proved easy fodder for memes accusing Skittles of white supremacist leanings, or at least a tone-deaf approach to the principles of equality and inclusivity.

Skittles kept up the Pride tradition anyway, switching to gray candies in the U. Hello, this was a labelling error last year that was quickly rectified. We will make sure it never happens again. Many thanks! But the death of Martin as long as he remains a dominant subject in the news media seems to be permanently linked to his favorite candy. Others suggested boycotting Wrigley products in order to stop the tide of unintended prosperity.


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